Tuesday 29 April 2014

The Ultimate Guide to Running Lingo

Want to walk the walk—or in this case, run the run? Then it’s time to learn how to talk the talk! Everyone knows runners are all a liiittle bit crazy, so it’s no surprise they have a language all their own. Think of this guide to runner’s slang as the helpful subtitles to “Sh!t Runners Say.” C’mon, it was only a matter of time before runners got in on the fun too.

Form: No one wants to be “that awkward runner,” which is why nailing proper form or running technique is key when lacing up. Try to keep the upper body tall yet relaxed and swing the arms forward and back at low 90-degree angles.

Foot Strike: There’s a right way and a wrong way to make every step count. A runner should strike the ground with their mid-foot, not the tippy-toes or heels. Try using light steps that land right under the hip for lower impact—aka fewer injuries!  for more info ..(http://veechi.org/Healthy/visual-impact-muscle-building-review-rusty-moore-a-scam/#discuss)

Pace: When runners talk about running “an 8-minute pace,” they are referring to the amount of time it takes to clock one mile. They also tend to express pace based on the type of run: “long run pace,” “marathon pace,” “5K pace,” etc. Calculate these adjustments with this nifty training tool!

Greatist Turns Three Today and It's All Because of You!

I grew up a big, big kid, drinking six (six!) Dr. Peppers a day. When I realized it was time to start making health a priority, I found myself more lost than ever, struggling to find a brand I could trust that spoke to me in a way that made sense. I tried things I’d seen a celebrity share on TV, workouts I’d heard a trainer suggest at the gym, and diets I’d found searching online. Ultimately they didn't "work," and, what's worse, it seemed like they kept trying to define what "healthy" should look like for me instead of letting me define what "healthy" meant for myself.

All I wanted was a brand, a site, a company to turn to that could touch and inspire me. As I struggled with different diets, workout plans, and other silly strategies, it blew my mind that there wasn't a bright light in this space shining the way to the support, accountability, and guidance I really needed.

    “ All I wanted was a brand that offered the support, accountability, and guidance I really needed.  ”

So three years ago, I started Greatist. And it’s been a wild ride. I’ve done some crazy things in that timespan, including get six-pack abs in six weeks (spoiler alert: it sucked), build a company that now employs 20 inspiring people and friends, and reach more than 50 million different people. Unbelievable, right? Most importantly, we've reached those people the same way I wanted to be reached way back when, reminding people that it's not about being "the greatest" all the time, because being "a greatist" and making healthier choices some of the time is the only way to truly build life-long healthy habits.
Bringing this message to the world is my personal mission—and making good on that mission is Greatist's vision as a company. Ultimately we're working to change the way the world thinks about “healthy,” helping everyone become a greatist and think about health in this healthier way. I think we're well on the way... but I also know we can't do it alone.

Monday 14 April 2014

First Aid - Burns

Burns can be classified as thermal or chemical or electrical burns differ for the depth and intensity of space and there are a first-degree burns and superficial second degree burns and third-degree burns.
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First degree burns:
A surface that infect the outer layer of the skin

Severe pain in the affected area and around
Redness and swelling and possibly emphysema, first aid in the case of first-degree burns
Put the injured part under cold flow of cold water or a mild dip in the cool water for a period of not less than ten minutes or more may extend to 45 minutes if the cold water is not available, use any liquid used as a cold or cool clean.

Gently remove any rings or watches or belts or shoes or any tight clothing from the affected area.
Bandaged area cleans sterile cloth.
To ease the pain the patient was given, paracetamol.
Seek help immediately if severe burns and extends to large areas.

Warnings are important:
Put ointment or butter, it could lead to inflammation of the wound.
Do not use ice.

Second degree burns:
Extending across each outer layer down to the inner layer of skin

Swelling, fluid secretion, severe pain because the blood vessels in the dermis layer suffered damaged.

First aid in the case of second-degree burns:
Immerse the burned area with cold water or place a damp towel or cold to relieve pain.
Gently remove any rings or watches or belts or shoes or any tight clothing from the affected area.

Cover the burn with a sterile bandage dry non-stick or a clean towel.
Mark patient drink as much water without feeling nauseous.
Ask for medical help immediately. 

Do not open the closed pimples, blackheads Cover open ointment and bandage dry and sterile.

Third-degree burns:
Burns are penetrating all layers of the skin down to the muscle and fat.

Skin begins tarpaulins or gray and sometimes charred.
The patient does not feel any pain in the place because the parties to the nerves damaged and destroyed.

Damage may occur as a result of inhalation of respiratory heat or combustion materials, or as a result of the combustion flame while in an enclosed space which leads to contraction of airway or filled completely incapacitate the air to reach the lungs. more info must visit this (http://acnenomore2013.blogspot.com/2012/10/acne-no-more-review.html)

First aid in the case of third-degree burns:
Cover the burn with a sterile bandage dry non-stick or a clean towel.
Treat the patient for shock to lift the legs and keep the patient warm clean.
Ask for medical help immediately.

Burns to the mouth and throat:
These burns occur as a result of drinking means extreme heat or ingestion of corrosive chemicals.

The symptoms:
The patient complains of severe pain in the mouth and throat.
Hurt the skin around the mouth, difficulty in breathing, loss of consciousness.

A first aid to:
Give the injured low doses of cold water at intervals and repeat it.
I will take away any clothing around the neck and remove any jewelry from that region.

I'm working on the transfer of the patient to quickly.

Chemical burns:
Chemical burns occur as a result of coming into contact with the skin of a caustic substance.

The symptoms:
Pain in the place of burning the skin
Redness of the skin, swelling of the skin

The nutritional value of milk


Fermented products like yogurt contain bacteria produced naturally, to affect positively in the digestive system, so the introduction of these products in the daily diet helps to prevent the formation of some harmful bacteria that may cause indigestion or gas, contributes to improve digestion.
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Milk and milk products is the largest source of calcium is important for building bones and teeth, growth and maintaining the integrity and intensity and the prevention of fragility, which contributes to the constriction and energizes muscles, and enters into the processes of digestion, metabolism, energy, blood clotting, and the replacement of skin cells.
Note: Contains per cup (250 grams) to 300 milligrams of calcium.


Phosphorus is essential for bones and teeth and cell membranes and nervous system work, contains a disproportionate amount of phosphorus with calcium intake.


Zinc plays an important role in the immune system, and maintain bones, eyesight and brain function and memory.


Vitamins contained in milk are two types:
B vitamins are soluble in fat, namely:
Vitamin D, which helps absorb calcium and install, and milk is an important source of his own full-fat.
Vitamin A is essential for growth and integrity of the skin and resistance to infection. for more info visit this (http://acnenomore2013.blogspot.com/2012/10/acne-no-more-review.html)

B vitamins are water-soluble:

vitamin group) b) the vehicle needed to release energy from carbohydrates, proteins and fats, in addition to the vital functions of the other, including the formation and strengthening of the immune system required for the formation of red blood cells and the immune system of the nervous system, and this group of vitamin B2, vitamin (b 6 ((folic acid).

The nutritional value of milk

Sweetened condensed milk:
is added large amounts of sugar to fresh milk pasteurized; to texture, is rich in fat or milk cream, and is one of the types of milk, useful, and is one of the alternatives to milk, it contains a high amount of sugar and calories, and uses this Type in the preparation of sweets, and stored in a cool dry place, and lasts for 12 months.   f you want to more information about acne treatment visit mike walden official website acne no more program

Products derived from milk:
Milk, yogurt, cheese, white solid:

 products are made ​​from fresh milk, shall be identical with the composition of the milk, and contains the same nutrients, but they differ in the amount of yeast and the amount of water, and if these products contain flavorings such as strawberry flavor or chocolate, the proportion of calories only increase without a change in the rest of the ingredients, provided that such additives within the allowable ratios.

Creamy and creamy cheeses, butter, cream, yoghurt and ice cream:
the other products are derived from milk, and is one of the alternatives to fat, which is made ​​from milk fat with a small amount of liquid, not a substitute for milk, and do not sing with him.

The nutritional value of milk:

 milk is an excellent source of high quality protein, which contains all the essential amino acids that are not human body can synthesize, and protein is very important to build cells all organs of the body's organs and renewal and to compensate the damaged ones, and the transfer of food and energy and oxygen in the blood, and the formation of antibodies, also included in bone formation.
Note: Contains per cup (250 grams) at 8 on Matt protein.


 A source of carbohydrates in milk is lactose, which supplies the body with energy by which many are of vital processes, Vkob milk does not contain high calories, and therefore recommended; because it enters in most diets and diets.
Note: Contains per cup (250 grams) to 12 grams of carbohydrates. for more info visit site (http://acnenomore2013.blogspot.com/2012/10/acne-no-more-review.html)


Fat milk contains the essential fatty acids, which are essential to the body's cells, the requirement to be in moderate amounts. It is also important to save energy, and interference in the formation and the production of hormones, and has a fat found in milk on vitamins (a) and (d), and we must note that the low-fat milk and skim milk contains full of nutrients in whole milk except the fat. 

Note: Contains per cup (250 grams to 9 grams of fat).