Monday 14 April 2014

First Aid - Burns

Burns can be classified as thermal or chemical or electrical burns differ for the depth and intensity of space and there are a first-degree burns and superficial second degree burns and third-degree burns.
information research by mike walden author of acne no more review

First degree burns:
A surface that infect the outer layer of the skin

Severe pain in the affected area and around
Redness and swelling and possibly emphysema, first aid in the case of first-degree burns
Put the injured part under cold flow of cold water or a mild dip in the cool water for a period of not less than ten minutes or more may extend to 45 minutes if the cold water is not available, use any liquid used as a cold or cool clean.

Gently remove any rings or watches or belts or shoes or any tight clothing from the affected area.
Bandaged area cleans sterile cloth.
To ease the pain the patient was given, paracetamol.
Seek help immediately if severe burns and extends to large areas.

Warnings are important:
Put ointment or butter, it could lead to inflammation of the wound.
Do not use ice.

Second degree burns:
Extending across each outer layer down to the inner layer of skin

Swelling, fluid secretion, severe pain because the blood vessels in the dermis layer suffered damaged.

First aid in the case of second-degree burns:
Immerse the burned area with cold water or place a damp towel or cold to relieve pain.
Gently remove any rings or watches or belts or shoes or any tight clothing from the affected area.

Cover the burn with a sterile bandage dry non-stick or a clean towel.
Mark patient drink as much water without feeling nauseous.
Ask for medical help immediately. 

Do not open the closed pimples, blackheads Cover open ointment and bandage dry and sterile.

Third-degree burns:
Burns are penetrating all layers of the skin down to the muscle and fat.

Skin begins tarpaulins or gray and sometimes charred.
The patient does not feel any pain in the place because the parties to the nerves damaged and destroyed.

Damage may occur as a result of inhalation of respiratory heat or combustion materials, or as a result of the combustion flame while in an enclosed space which leads to contraction of airway or filled completely incapacitate the air to reach the lungs. more info must visit this (

First aid in the case of third-degree burns:
Cover the burn with a sterile bandage dry non-stick or a clean towel.
Treat the patient for shock to lift the legs and keep the patient warm clean.
Ask for medical help immediately.

Burns to the mouth and throat:
These burns occur as a result of drinking means extreme heat or ingestion of corrosive chemicals.

The symptoms:
The patient complains of severe pain in the mouth and throat.
Hurt the skin around the mouth, difficulty in breathing, loss of consciousness.

A first aid to:
Give the injured low doses of cold water at intervals and repeat it.
I will take away any clothing around the neck and remove any jewelry from that region.

I'm working on the transfer of the patient to quickly.

Chemical burns:
Chemical burns occur as a result of coming into contact with the skin of a caustic substance.

The symptoms:
Pain in the place of burning the skin
Redness of the skin, swelling of the skin

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