Tuesday 29 April 2014

The Ultimate Guide to Running Lingo

Want to walk the walk—or in this case, run the run? Then it’s time to learn how to talk the talk! Everyone knows runners are all a liiittle bit crazy, so it’s no surprise they have a language all their own. Think of this guide to runner’s slang as the helpful subtitles to “Sh!t Runners Say.” C’mon, it was only a matter of time before runners got in on the fun too.

Form: No one wants to be “that awkward runner,” which is why nailing proper form or running technique is key when lacing up. Try to keep the upper body tall yet relaxed and swing the arms forward and back at low 90-degree angles.

Foot Strike: There’s a right way and a wrong way to make every step count. A runner should strike the ground with their mid-foot, not the tippy-toes or heels. Try using light steps that land right under the hip for lower impact—aka fewer injuries!  for more info ..(http://veechi.org/Healthy/visual-impact-muscle-building-review-rusty-moore-a-scam/#discuss)

Pace: When runners talk about running “an 8-minute pace,” they are referring to the amount of time it takes to clock one mile. They also tend to express pace based on the type of run: “long run pace,” “marathon pace,” “5K pace,” etc. Calculate these adjustments with this nifty training tool!

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